Become a Member Site

Last Updated: Thu, Feb 21, 2002

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Requirements for Membership

Each web page belonging to this Webring must contain at least one of the following:

The URL you submit must point directly to your Linux-related content. This page must have the 'webring controls' somewhere on it. If it doesn't, you'll stay in the queue and will be be auto-removed after three weeks.

If your Linux information is only part of the page and the rest of the page has nothing to do with Linux, add a line like this to your page just above your Linux content: <a name="whatever"></a> then submit your URL with #whatever at the end of it. If your entire site is devoted to Linux, you may simply enter the "main" URL.

If your page is frames-based, add target="_top" to your webring code so sites on the ring don't load in one of your frames. Please also add the webring code between <NOFRAMES> tags so Lynx users can see the 'controls'. An example of both of these changes is available on the code examples page.

If you do meet these requirements, read the next section about how to sign up. You must add the 'webring controls' to your page before you will be added as a member.

How To Join

Go here to sign up. If you don't already have one, this will require you to sign up for a webring user id (for the whole webring system - to be used by you for any webrings hosted there) before you can sign up to be a member of this one. If you don't want to use the code they suggest when you sign up, see our code examples page for other HTML code, images, and imagemaps that you can use.

If you ever need to update your site information in the future, like if your site is expected to be down, you change URLs, you have a new e-mail address, you forget your password, you want to remove yourself from the ring, or if you entered something incorrectly when you signed up, go to the Member Utilities page. That page will always have links to the appropriate web pages for keeping your info current. ...and keep the e-mail you get when you sign up, it'll have useful info as well.

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