Linux Webring Member List

Last updated: Wed, 4 Oct 2006

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People have been writing to me that sites in the original list are 404, down, don't have code, etc., so I removed the old sites from this page. Go here for the current list of member sites. I'm still planning on putting a list back here again, but haven't had any time...

--Jason 2002/03/20

I see that quite a few sites have this page linked to directly, so here's an explanation for the last update of August 2000...

I used to generate this page by walking through the webring version of the list and dumping them all into one page. Webring has changed their site around so many times, haven't had time to re-write it each time. Anyway, check here for webring's list of sites in this ring.

You'll notice that the list is significantly different in format and in number. I blew away about 200 broken sites today with the help of my LinuxChick (she's not really a LinuxChick, but I've been working on it for almost 7 years... almost there <grin>)

--Jason 2001/10/20

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